Faith Based financial planning for Christians

Discover Your Risk Profile Today! Are you ready to unlock the power of

Risk Number® technology? Take our quick 5-minute questionnaire to

uncover your true risk tolerance, backed by Nobel Prize-winning

economics. By understanding your unique risk profile, we'll help you

tailor your investment strategy to align perfectly with your goals and

expectations. Gain the edge you need to make informed decisions and

optimize your portfolio. Take the first step towards financial clarity now!"


  • I help Christians and those who minister to Christians build wealth so that they can continue to minister and fulfill their God given calling by creating financial plans unique to their situations.

  • I partner with any Christians including:



    Christian Non-profit organizers

    Pro-Life organizers

    Christian Professors

  • When you work with Tekwise, we build a tailored portfolio that screens out morally objectionable companies that profit from Pornography, Abortion, and other morally questionable industries. We align our financial plans with wisdom from the Bible to build wealth in a Godly way.

  • We start with a free Moral Audit on your existing portfolio. Then we discuss over zoom what are the major goals that you are looking to accomplish. Once I have an understanding of your situation, we will create a recommendation. If you like the recommendation, then we can work together. If you don’t, we part as friends.

  • Yes, as a Registered Investment Advisor Firm, we are a Fiduciary. We are required to do what is in the best interest of the client and resolve any conflicts of interest in the client’s favor.


Biblically Responsible Investing

We specialize in helping plan a Christian based financial strategy. We work with Biblically responsible investing strategies as well.

Protecting Futures

We have over a decade in the financial planning realm.  We help with 401k, IRA, Retirement planning, insurance, debt reduction, college planning and any other financial need that you may have.

Assessing Need

Failing to plan is planning to fail.  Ask about how we can design a wealth management plan around your needs with no market risk.

Building Relationships

Everyone has different financial needs. Call us today for a personalized business or individual assessment and find out how we can help protect your hard-won assets.  

The Stewards Strategy corner


The best financial planning tools


Evan is a father of 4.  He lives in Castle Rock, Colorado and loves to hike and camp with his family.  He has been in the financial services industry for over a decade. 

I am a dedicated and experienced financial planner specializing in Biblically responsible investing for Christians. My mission is to build the premier financial planning firm that caters specifically to the unique needs and values of the Christian community.